The Latest
Chess Grandmaster Maurice Ashley (left) and Katya Davis '20 study the chess board in the last math of a 10-board simultaneous competition Thursday night, Jan. 8, 2020.

Masterful message

"Live your passion, and wake up every day feeling like 'This is what I want to do.'" Watch chess Grandmaster Maurice Ashley (here playing Katya Davis '20) share his inspirational message with Exeter.


John Hall
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Exeter People

“It’s ludicrous that we know far more about the surface of the moon and Mars than we know about the seafloor.”

John K. Hall '58

Thank you for this opportunity

The Exeter community is grateful to our supporters for all they do and all they give.

Arthur Sze speaking to Exeter students.

9 questions for Arthur Sze

Felix Yeung ’21 sits down with the poet of “deep noticing” to discuss the writing process, the creative impacts of being bilingual, and how writing has changed Sze’s life.

Ayush Noori
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Exeter People

“It brings me closure and peace knowing that I'm doing something to play even a small part in a much larger battle.”

Ayush '20

Dan Brown '82 signs books after speaking with the class of 2023.

The write stuff

What a treat having Dan Brown ‘82 back on campus to speak with the class of 2023. He urged the preps to “dive in” to their opportunity at Exeter and to wear out their delete keys as they embrace the trial-and-error nature of the creative process. 

Assembly and Speakers