Applying to Exeter
Financially Accessible
of students receive financial aid
tuition for families whose income is $125,000 or less
Who attends Exeter?
Curious. Creative. Caring.
Exeter is a community of exploration where students come together to discover, to challenge and to create. Where collaboration becomes the common language. Where insightful minds and good hearts gather together seeking answers.
Exonians at a Glance
- Come from 44 states and 31 countries
- 48% are students of color
- 80% live in dorms and 20% commute from local towns
- Hail from six of the seven continents (sorry, Antarctica!)
- Learn in classes of 12 students and one teacher
- Receive adult support from a 5:1 student/teacher ratio
- Grades 9 through 12 and postgraduate
Start your story
Thousands of stories take shape at Exeter each and every year. What will yours be?