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Exeter People

"Hospitals are amazing institutions — all I’ve ever wanted is to work in one."

Lena '17

Alexa Liautaud
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Exeter People

"There are authentic stories waiting to be uncovered and inspire positive change."

Alexa Liautaud '12

Ursula Wise standing in front of Grainger Observatory at Phillips Exeter Academy
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Exeter People

"There isn't any other learning structure that would have benefited me more.”

Ursula '21

Knowledge and goodness
Exeter People

“That's one of the most noble goals ... embracing this one-of-a-kind education and using it to help others.”

Exeter People

"Exeter has given me the opportunity to develop into myself. It’s made me a more secure person.”

Exeter People

“It was a lot of hard work, but [what] made it worth it was the people who ... said, 'Wow, that really had a profound impact on me.'”