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Headshot of Aaron.
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Exeter People

"To fortify a population, you could arm it with every weapon under the sun, but I don’t see that as a role to be taken on by humanitarians."

Aaron Epstein '04

Lincoln Caplan headshot alongside a cover of his book American Justice 2016.
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Exeter People

"We saw that journalists had a social and political purpose and could make a difference."

Linc Caplan '68

Grace Gray reads from a book to a group of children in the library.
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Exeter People

“These interactions remind me of who I want to be as a person.”

Grace '19

Jared with a former business partner in front a power plamt.
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Exeter People

"You're talking about something that's competitive with virtually any engine ... but all in a really neat package."

Jared Schwede '03

Headshot of Maria Cabildo '95.
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Exeter People

"This is a special moment in time, when people need to be encouraged to re-engage with democracy."

Maria Cabildo '85

Headshot of David Tsai
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Exeter People

"My priority is helping the next generation feel comfortable and authentic about who they are, so they can be safe in whatever community they choose to live in."

David Tsai '93

Lucas Schroeder
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Exeter People

"I’ve been communicating through images since I was 2. Now I have branched out to actual images on screen."

Lucas '18

Exeter graduates Caitlin Andrews and Emma Glennon
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Exeter People

"I am hoping to show that by helping a species, we are helping the entire New Zealand ecosystem."

Caitlin Andrews '12

Exeter graduate Jim Hunter helping someone
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Exeter People

"For the first time in many years, I love to go to work. ... I feel I've found a calling that I didn't have before."

Jim Hunter '64

Scott Crouch
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Exeter People

​“I wanted to do something to let the police know that someone had their backs.”

Scott Crouch '09

Raphi Frankfurter
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Exeter People

​“There’s a certain pride in the country and readiness to move on ... that is extremely refreshing and inspiring.”

Raphi Frankfurter '09

Exeter graduate Jeff Seabright
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Exeter People

“I could make more of an impact on climate change from the business side than the government side.”

Jeff Seabright '73

Exeter graduate Julie Livingston
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Exeter People

​"I was interested not in the category of the disease but in the experience of being sick."

Julie Livingston '84

Knowledge and goodness
Exeter People

“That's one of the most noble goals ... embracing this one-of-a-kind education and using it to help others.”

Exeter People

"Exeter has given me the opportunity to develop into myself. It’s made me a more secure person.”

Exeter People

“It was a lot of hard work, but [what] made it worth it was the people who ... said, 'Wow, that really had a profound impact on me.'”