The Clothesline Project


The Clothesline Project:
Students Raising Awareness About Sexual Violence

April 19 – May 11, 2024

The Clothesline Project focuses on increasing awareness of the impact of sexual violence, abuse, and honor survivors’ strength. This exhibition provides an avenue for all PEA students to courageously break the silence that often surrounds sexual violence and to create a safer community for all. Collectively, the works on view are a visual display of emotions and thoughts that often go ignored or unheard about the impact of sexual violence and abuse.


The Lamont Gallery will exhibit a collection of t-shirts made over the last four years during the Clothesline Project, an annual event that occurs during Take Back the Night focused on providing an avenue for all our students to courageously break the silence that often surrounds sexual violence.

Take Back the Night is a movement dedicated to allowing survivors and those around them to create a space to foster a sense of community, acknowledge their hurt, demand change, and show solidarity with all survivors of sexual assault.


This project was brought to fruition between the collaboration of the Director of Student Well-Being and the student club, Exonians Against Sexual Assault (EASA).


Exhibition Slideshow


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Watch the Video to Learn More

Take Back the Night (2023)

Film by Kevin Treehan ‘24

Go to the page titled Watch the Video to Learn More