Christopher R. Matlack

Instructor in Science
Lee C. Bradley III Class of 1943 Academy Teaching Chair;Raymond W Ellis Professorship
Chris Matlack

"To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution in intelligent tinkering." —Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac


B.S. University of Vermont

M.S. Acadia University


Mr. Matlack studied wildlife ecology as an undergraduate at the University of Vermont. He spent two of those summers studying at the University of Wyoming's field station and working for the Army Corps of Engineers. After college, he worked in the Central African Republic as a Peace Corps fisheries biologist, managing a tilapia hatchery and running a rural extension program. He then moved to Canada for his graduate work in biology at Acadia University on the Bay of Fundy. He has published articles on bobcat ecology and fern gametophytes and presented papers at several professional conferences. Before coming to Exeter he worked on a spruce budworm research project for the U.S. Forest Service.

Mr. Matlack has taught general and advanced biology, ecology and ornithology over a teaching career at Exeter that began in 1984. He has been an interscholastic coach, dorm head and science department chair and has traveled to Ghana, Chile, India and Canada to do educational outreach.

Mr. Matlack enjoys birding in the tropics and has co-led student and alumni trips to the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon, the Caribbean and Costa Rica. He is director of the Biology Institute at Exeter, a weeklong professional development conference for high school biology teachers.