Zumba 101

English Instructor (and certified Zumba teacher) Courtney Marshall puts Exeter Summer students through the paces Monday morning from the Academy Building steps.

The 'new' guy

Russell Weatherspoon P’92, ‘95, ‘97, ‘01 officially began his 35th year at the Academy on Thursday in a new role: a two-year term as dean of students.


Nature lovers

Twelve Exeter students spent their first week of summer break encountering the magic of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom in our first Global Initiatives trip in 15 months.

Starting from STEM

Math and science brought Carlos to Exeter. He devoured the STEM offerings, while also discovering the joys of photography and being a DJ at Exeter’s radio station, WPEA.

Sights set on NASA

Ursula’s trajectory started during her first visit to Exeter’s Grainger Observatory. Since then, she has enjoyed the quality of Harkness conversation, spent endless hours sky watching and served as president of the senior class.  
