Phillips Exeter Academy


Intro to Statistical Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is the foundation on which the science of physical chemistry is built, and statistical thermodynamics provides the fundamental, molecular-level basis for the ideas of thermodynamics. This course will focus on the ability of statistical...

Earth and the Climate Crisis

This course will study the complex interconnected systems (e.g., lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere)of our planet Earth. Students will develop an understanding?of the basic workings of the Earth from its origin to the present, and will...

An Introduction to Physics

This sequence of courses is offered fall (PHY210), winter (PHY220) and spring (PHY230). This course investigates the topics of Newtonian mechanics: motion, force, energy and momentum conservation; and topics in the physics of optics, waves, electricity and...

Introduction to Physics (enriched)

These courses are designed for ninth-grade students who have demonstrated unusual ability for and interest in physics. They cover material similar to that covered in Physics 220 and 230, but do so more quickly, more mathematically and with greater depth....

Introductory Genetics I

This course considers the classical and contemporary views of the nature, transmission and function of the hereditary material. Laboratory investigations in plant and animal genetics supplement class...

Principles of Physics

This introductory physics course covers a similar sequence of topics as does Physics 210/220/230, but assumes a greater mathematical competence (see prerequisites). After taking this three-term sequence, students will be prepared for the majority of topics...

An Introduction to Biology

This sequence of courses is offered fall (BIO210), winter (BIO220) and spring (BIO230). Biology 210 introduces cell structure and function leading to a study of human anatomy and physiology. Basic physical and chemical principles critical to cell structure...

Principles of Biology

This sequence of courses is offered fall (BIO310), winter (BIO320) and spring (BIO330). This course follows the same sequence of topics as does Biology 210/220/230 but uses a different textbook. After completing this three-term sequence, students will have...

Regenerative Biology

This course will explore agricultural practices that aim to have positive environmental impacts, such as improving soil heath, increasing native species diversity and sequestering carbon. It will also explore agricultural practices that aim to have positive...

Human Physiology

Biology 450 examines how the human body functions. The complexity of and interactions between different systems will be explored. Extensive laboratory investigations, including a mammalian dissection, computer applications and project work, compose a...