European Century, 1800-1914
European Century, 1800-1914
Beginning with the study of Napoleon’s Empire and the Congress of Vienna, this course examines how the French Revolution of 1789 and the Industrial Revolution transformed European society and politics in the 19th century and established Europe’s...
The Transatlantic World
The Transatlantic World
This course examines the imperial interests, race and gender relations, and cultural influences and exchanges that manifested during the era known as Colonial America. Though the course, by the end, focuses on the colonies that would become the United States,...
Modern India
Modern India
This course examines the history of what is today the world’s largest democracy. It starts in roughly 1700 with a study of the Mughal Empire and its decline, followed by the rise of British India. We explore the East India Company and the impact of...
Precolonial Africa
Precolonial Africa
This course introduces students to the complexity and dynamism of the African past, from antiquity to the dawn of the 20th century. The course begins with an examination of the Nile Valley civilizations in antiquity, the historical debates surrounding that...
Race: A Global History
Race: A Global History
Scientists agree that there are few genetic differences between people of different races and ethnicities. Social scientists thus contend that racial distinctions are a product of society and culture rather than biology. At what point, then, did differences...
History Through Food
History Through Food
From the Neolithic Revolution through the emergence of the global food markets of the 20th century, this course examines the changing relationship between humans and food. Through a combination of readings, tastings and hands-on cooking, we will examine how...
The World in the 20th Century
The World in the 20th Century
This course is an introduction to significant events in the 20th century. Students investigate cause, effect and change in places such as Europe, Africa and Asia (including the Middle East). One principal aim of the course is for students to develop a better...
Peoples and Cultures of the Modern World
Peoples and Cultures of the Modern World
This course examines people who live in the developing world and the impact of modernization and industrialization on their ways of life. Students gain a better understanding of the social, political and economic issues confronting many developing countries...
Classical Greece
Classical Greece
This course examines the culture, politics and society of the Greek city-states during the early and classical periods. The course emphasizes the rise and decline of democracy in Athens, as well as the conflicts with Sparta and the Persian Wars. A variety of...
Classical Rome
Classical Rome
This course surveys the rise and fall of the Roman Republic and the emergence of the Roman Empire. Central themes include Roman expansion, imperialism, politics and culture. To supplement the text, students will read numerous primary sources. The course...