You’ll learn critical reading, analytical writing and independent thinking skills — while expanding your worldview through an exploration of other eras, cultures and...
Modern China
Modern China
This course examines China’s dramatic recent history through multiple lenses: historical survey, biography, memoir, film and journalism. We begin by identifying key themes and questions to guide our study. Then we move back in time to the 19th century,...
Modern Latin America
Modern Latin America
This course examines how modern social and political institutions developed in the region that includes Central and South America and the Caribbean. We begin by questioning why such diverse places are imagined as a single region. We explore how colonialism...
Modern Asia: Contested Histories
Modern Asia: Contested Histories
How and why do different national histories define themselves in competition with those of their neighbors? This course will focus on how recent trends in the writing of history are applied to the context of contemporary Asia including China, India,...
History of Modern Africa
History of Modern Africa
This course is a study of the rise and fall of the racial segregation system that became known as apartheid in South Africa – the land of Nelson Mandela, Miriam Makeba, and Trevor Noah. Grounded within the context of African national liberation, the...
Contemporary Middle East
Contemporary Middle East
The course begins with the breakup of the Ottoman Empire and examines the rise of Arab nationalism and the struggle against foreign domination. The strategic and economic importance of the region is studied along with the founding of Israel; the continuing...
A Global History of Witchcraft
A Global History of Witchcraft
This course introduces students to the phenomena of witchcraft, sorcery, magic and voodoo. Beginning in Babylon, the course orients students to an understanding of these subjects as practiced in the premodern world. With this conceptual foundation, students...
Ancient Mediterranean History
Ancient Mediterranean History
This course examines pressing and problematic debates concerning ancient Mediterranean history. We will examine the so-called Hellenistic period, bookended by the conquests of Alexander of Macedon and the death of Cleopatra VII. While the fifth and fourth...
Senior Research Seminar
Senior Research Seminar
This advanced seminar for seniors will offer students the opportunity to conduct work similar to that of professional historians. Students will choose a research topic, conduct primary research in available archives, and write a publishable-length...
American Politics & Public Policy
American Politics & Public Policy
This course introduces students to the unique process by which American governments develop policies to address the nation’s most significant problems. In addition to studying specific policy issues, students will read about Congress and the presidency,...