Charlie Smith with picture of his book Ginny Call.
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Exeter People

"I write pretty dark books — but this one is very light-spattered despite all the trouble and grief — it's kind of a square dance compared to the books I usually write.

Charlie Smith '65

Michael Socolow, Exeter class of 1987
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Exeter People

"The opportunity to take classes with people who really are passionate about their work was transformative.”

Michael Socolow '87

Coach Sarah Odell standing in front of squash courts at Exeter
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Exeter People

"Athletics are a safe place for girls in particular to fail, and to fail and learn from it without fear."

Sarah Odell '06

Photo of John Irving
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Exeter People

"One reason I predetermine what happens in a story before I start a novel is because, once I start writing, I only want to be thinking of the language."

John Irving '61

The Exeter Bulletin

Three Months in Ghana

Exonians embark on PEA’s first term-abroad program in Africa.

Charis as Rapunzel in Into the Woods.
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Exeter People

"People’s imperfections really come out, but that’s what gives a performance or art a lot more significance."

Charis '17


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