



Advanced Physics

This sequence of courses is offered fall (PHY510), winter (PHY520) and spring (PHY530). This three-term sequence is taken as a second year of physics.

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405 courses

This is a place-based, community ecology course which focuses on our central New England region and covers many of the major principles of ecology. It also includes learning how to identify our...

This introduction to electronics is a hands-on, project-oriented course. Students will build a variety of simple devices, including timing circuits, alarms, flashers, amplifiers and counters. By...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (CHI110), winter (CHI120) and spring (CHI130). These courses are designed to help students develop a basic proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (FRE110), winter (FRE120) and spring (FRE130). This sequence of three courses introduces students to spoken and written French. Considerable oral practice...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (GER110), winter (GER120) and spring (GER130). They present the fundamental structures of German with emphasis on acquisition of the basic skills: speaking...

This sequence of courses introduces students to the study of ancient Greek, specifically the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek, Latin, or another inflected language is assumed. The most...

This accelerated introductory sequence is designed for students who wish to complete the Greek requirement for the Classical Diploma (Latin concentration) in just one year. It covers the basic...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (JPN110), winter (JPN120) and spring (JPN130). These courses introduce students to the language of everyday life. Students learn the basic skills: speaking...

This introduction to the study of Latin is for beginning students and for those who have previously studied some Latin but do not place into Latin 210 or TR1. The most common forms and syntax are...

This introductory sequence serves two purposes: First, it offers students who have studied Latin previously, but are not placed into LAT210, a slightly condensed and accelerated path through the...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (RUS110), winter (RUS120) and spring (RUS130). This sequence of three courses introduces students to both spoken and written Russian. The four language...

This sequence of courses is offered fall (SPA110), winter (SPA120) and spring (SPA130). This sequence introduces students to spoken and written Spanish. Considerable oral practice and written...

Students expand on their linguistic skills and knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures and groups through the exploration of the arts, and topics related to the development of individual and group...

Epistemology is a philosophical term meaning "the study of knowledge," or the question of how we know what we know about the world around us and within us. Our readings include sources in the...

Does a corporation have responsibility beyond itself? Should the bottom line trump ethical considerations? Who or what protects the public interest? This course considers these questions in the...

Once the region of geopolitical domination, Europe after World War II was forced to rebuild and redefine its place in a rapidly shifting world. This course examines the change in Europe's position...

Beginning with the study of Napoleon's Empire and the Congress of Vienna, this course examines how the French Revolution of 1789 and the Industrial Revolution transformed European society and...

Evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote in 1973 that, "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution," and his statement still holds true today. Students will read...

Faculty and community members in this mixed-voice choral ensemble perform major works of choral literature, often collaborating with the Concert Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and soloists. Through...

The Symphonia provides a foundational orchestral experience for students at the intermediate-to-advanced-intermediate level. The basic techniques of orchestral playing, musicianship and ensemble...

What is the meaning of life? Does life have any meaning? Is traditional religion still relevant? Is God dead, or how do we live in a world where it appears God is absent? Focusing primarily on the...

This course invites students to an exploration through fiction and personal narrative of the depth and complexity of religious experience in its many forms from traditional belief through...

Students continue to develop all of their linguistic skills while exploring topics related to customs, values and traditions, as well as contemporary issues in Spanish-speaking cultures. Materials...

What do we value? The pursuit of profit, surges in wealth and the suspect principles of the financier have intrigued authors since the 19th century. How do language, narrative style, structure and...

This course provides practical experience in basic cinematography without dialogue. Using digital video equipment, students learn about the history of filmmaking as well as the use of the camera...

This course constitutes a bridge between calculus and theoretical, proof-based courses such as real analysis, abstract algebra and set theory. The emphasis is on understanding and mastering...

This course examines a variety of plays from Molière to Sartre, focusing on character interaction against the backdrop of playwright and the period. Possible authors might also include...