



An Introduction to Physics

This sequence of courses is offered fall (PHY210), winter (PHY220) and spring (PHY230).

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21 courses

Through individual and ensemble work, this course introduces students to the essential tasks of the actor's craft. We develop vocal and physical technique, and engage in exercises to develop...

This course continues the training of the actor with a focus on dramatic style. It allows students to develop an approach to character and text beyond their own culture and experience. Exercises...

This course focuses on Western concert dance disciplines: ballet, modern and jazz. Composition and improvisation skills will be developed.

This accelerated course provides advanced dancers with intensive training in concert dance disciplines (ballet, modern, contemporary, and jazz). Classes consist of warm-up, technique and complex...

Fall and Winter Dance Companies produce a one-hour concert centered around a theme, featuring choreography by faculty, guest artists and students. Students may apply to choreograph an original...

The Spring Dance Concert Ensemble produces a two-hour mainstage concert featuring original choreography by faculty, guest artists and students, centered around a theme. Students may apply to...

This course is taken in conjunction with DAN040. Dance technique warm up will include multi-genre movement techniques.

This course offers the essential theory and practice of stage direction with emphasis on the leadership skills inherent in creating a constructive ensemble rehearsal environment. Beginning with a...

This course provides practical experience in basic cinematography without dialogue. Using digital video equipment, students learn about the history of filmmaking as well as the use of the camera...

This course focuses on Western concert dance disciplines: ballet, modern and jazz. Composition and improvisation skills will be developed.

This course focuses on Western concert dance disciplines: ballet, modern and jazz. Composition and improvisation skills will be developed.

This course introduces students to four primary disciplines: ballet, modern, jazz and hip-hop. Basic composition and improvisation skills will be introduced.

This foundational course covers all things theater. Every wondered how a play goes from page to stage? Using the Goel Center for Theater and Dance as a laboratory and launching pad, students will...

The New Plays Ensemble is a performance opportunity designed for students to explore contemporary plays and collaborative ensemble-building while deepening their acting abilities. There will be a...

This course centers on puppet construction and animating inanimate objects to tell a story. Looking as far back as the 5th century, students study the history and evolution of this ancient art...

In recognizing the important role that film has in the life of our culture today, this course focuses on the skills particular to writing in that medium. Using the Robert McKee classic text, Story...

The topics for this course vary from year to year and are dependant upon the interests and backgrounds of the students involved.

Small Group Dance Study offers students a specialized learning experience to focus on a specific style of dance. In the lessons, students develop technique and expression, and explore the style's...

Tech crew is designed to provide students with skills and knowledge to work backstage on theatrical and dance productions as part of the stage crew. Through hands-on learning, students gain...

Theater Performance ofers students the opportunity to perform as part of a theatrical production onstage in the Goel Center. Show titles and audition dates are announced by the department, and...

This course is taken for PE credit in conjunction with enrollment in THR020, THR030 and THR040. Theater Production Warmup meets the physical education requirement and will include vigorous...