Principles of Biology
Principles of Biology
This sequence of courses is offered fall (BIO310), winter (BIO320) and spring (BIO330). This course follows the same sequence of topics as does Biology 210/220/230 but uses a different textbook. After completing this three-term sequence, students will have...
Regenerative Biology
Regenerative Biology
This course will explore agricultural practices that aim to have positive environmental impacts, such as improving soil heath, increasing native species diversity and sequestering carbon. It will also explore agricultural practices that aim to have positive...
Human Physiology
Human Physiology
Biology 450 examines how the human body functions. The complexity of and interactions between different systems will be explored. Extensive laboratory investigations, including a mammalian dissection, computer applications and project work, compose a...
Animal Behavior
Animal Behavior
This course is an introduction to the study of animal behavior. It explores the development, cause, evolutionary origin and function of a host of behaviors, such as sexual behavior, communication, dominance, navigation and cognition. Weekly laboratory work...
This course emphasizes field identification of locally common species and habitats. Spring migrants are the focus of the course, along with winter finches and waterfowl that may have lingered in the Exeter area. The course utilizes a systems approach to the...
This is a place-based, community ecology course which focuses on our central New England region and covers many of the major principles of ecology. It also includes learning how to identify our common forest trees, understory plants and game animals, as well...
Human Populations & Resource Consump
Human Populations & Resource Consump
In this course students consider human impact on the environment. Issues of human population, demography and carrying capacity will be explored in relationship to the world’s food resources and urban land use and management. Some of the consequences of...