Aykut Kilinc

Instructor in History
Arthur A. Seeligson Professor
Aykut Kilinc


M.A. University System of New Hampshire

Ph.D. University System of New Hampshire

B.A. Middle East Technical University


Mr. Kilinc joined the Exeter faculty in 2014. He completed his undergraduate studies in his home country, Turkey, studying Turkish, European and Islamic histories. He came to the U.S. in 2000 to work in the international education field and pursue a graduate degree in history. During his master's studies, he developed a keen interest in American diplomatic history; his thesis dealt with Turkish-American relations during the 1920s. His doctoral dissertation, about American foreign policy toward Cyprus during the 1960s and 1970s, deals with the limits of American power during the cold war. While working on his dissertation, he taught Middle Eastern and American history at the University of New Hampshire.

Mr. Kilinc currently teaches American history at Exeter. He lives in Cilley Hall with his wife, son and dog. He likes to go to farmers markets and to cook, freeze, pickle, and jam whatever is available. He claims to make the best hot sauce in New England. He also enjoys watching slow, depressing movies and history documentaries.