Phillips Exeter Academy



Cutting-edge technology and innovation are linked to traditional studio processes. Courses in painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, printmaking, design, advanced portfolio and visual...

Advanced Printmakng: Limited Editions

Building on skills and concepts acquired in ART206, this advanced printmaking course provides the opportunity to pursue individual studio projects using a range of media, inks and printing surfaces. Students develop a series of prints that revolve around a...

Advanced Projects: Painting Portraits

This 2-D studio intensive provides the exciting opportunity to pursue more-individualized works on paper, canvas and other surface options with an emphasis on narrative portraiture and identity. The course encourages an experimental approach to line, color...

Portfolio Intensive

This course provides experienced students a rich opportunity to pursue the successful completion of a professional portfolio of artwork featured in an end-of-term thesis exhibition in the Mayer Art Center, team-curated by the class with a contemporary flavor....