Phillips Exeter Academy

Photography I: Composing Concepts


Photography I: Composing Concepts

This course allows students to channel their excitement and passion for photography into a more intentional and sophisticated image-making process. Using digital cameras, students will gain a highly functional understanding of essential camera skills and photographic principles and learn to maintain proper exposure, focus, and creative control over the camera. Students will acquire skills in the digital studio including digital work flow management; online portfolio maintenance; Photoshop techniques and inkjet printing methods. Students will also develop their critique skills, learn to frame and present their work in a gallery, and practice writing artist statements. Each exploration challenges students to think conceptually, to shoot creatively, to develop an eye for strong composition and quality of light, and to make images that start conversations. Throughout the term, student photographers develop a vibrant online portfolio based on a series of thematic photo explorations, including identity-based portraiture, abstract, minimalism and Photoshop layers. Prerequisite: none. Open to all students.