Sound, beat, and sense (son, latido y sentido) “Son,” a pleasant music to your ears; “latido,” your heart beating; “sentido,” a sense of meaning.. The first known literature in the Spanish language dates back to the 11th century, and it was highly lyrical. A thousand years later, contemporary music and poetry in Spanish are among the most popular in their genre in the 21st century. This course seeks to help students understand cultural, social, or political aspects of the Spanish-speaking world by focusing on different musical phenomena and the historical context in which they were developed. To achieve this, the course will include readings and audiovisuals relating to genres, movements, authors, or other aspects related to music. We will focus on the analysis of the structure, meanings, and cultural nuances of representative songs or musical pieces, or styles. Students will do research and write analyses of works studied while in an environment that will foster creativity and provide a space for possible poetical and musical creations.