Phillips Exeter Academy

Research Methods: SPARC


Research Methods: SPARC

This course teaches students how to use qualitative action research to investigate and improve culture, policy and practice. After learning the fundamentals of social scientific research, statistics and social theory, students design, complete and analyze a social scientific study on a campus issue related to identity and student well-being or experience. Each team chooses for itself the issue it will study that year. Previous research has explored topics such as student experiences of leadership, the effects of socioeconomic status on student experience, and the burden of representation at the Harkness table. Students then interpret what they learned and develop an action plan with relevant PEA faculty and administration to improve student experience. In the spring, students are invited to travel to the University of Pennsylvania to present the group’s research at a roundtable forum for member schools. Students may also have the opportunity to present their findings to various constituencies: the student body in an assembly, the principal, the Trustees and other committees relevant to the research. Please note: Though the majority of the research will occur during the winter term, all students enrolled in this course will be expected to participate in a weekly co-curricular meeting in the fall and spring terms to start and conclude the research and presentation cycles.