Advanced Instrumental/Vocal Study II
Advanced Instrumental/Vocal Study II
This intensive performance course is for the most advanced instrumentalists and vocalists and culminates in a public recital. In twice-weekly classes students have the opportunity to perform for each other, receive constructive feedback, and address common questions and strategies relating to public performance. Students in MUS500 must take private lessons as part of this course. In special circumstances, the department chair may grant permission for a student to study with a private teacher who is not on the Academy’s faculty. An application must be submitted to the department chair, along with a recommendation by the private instructor. A proposed program (with timings) must be included as part of the application. Applications are due February 1 and final approval of the MUS500 program is given by the Music Department. Decisions will be based on the following criteria: A MUS500 recital should have approximately 30 minutes of music. In some instances, students may receive permission to perform a recital of greater length not to exceed 50 minutes of music. Programs should include repertoire from a range of musical styles and a variety of historical periods and composers. Programs should balance the technical demands of the music and the student’s technical ability. Concertos are discouraged.