Family and faculty celebrate graduating seniors and mark conclusion of Exeter’s 243rd school year.
Parents, family members and friends of the Class of 2024 gathered in force along with Exeter faculty members on a brilliantly sunny Sunday to send off the graduates in grand style.
Accompanied by the elegant strains of a student string quartet, the seniors made their way across Front Street and proceeded up the center of the lawn, followed by faculty members. After Principal Bill Rawson ’71; P’08 kicked off the ceremony, Senior Class President Ayaan Akhtar welcomed family and friends, as well as his fellow seniors.
“Congratulations — we made it,” Akhtar told his classmates. He mentioned challenges they worked through together during their time at Exeter, including beginning their ninth grade fall in September 2020, deep into the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We attended our first-ever classes scattered across the globe, staring blankly at a Zoom screen,” Akhtar said. “We lacked the instant physical connection every other prep class made as soon as they stepped foot on campus during orientation, yet we brought passion and an overwhelming desire to learn and love one another.”
Akhtar briefly paused his remarks in honor of classmate Matthew Clemson, who died last year. “Our class is incomplete without his presence,” Akhtar said. “He brought in irreplaceable light.” He also mentioned world events, including the effects of climate change and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Sudan and Gaza, among other regions.
“Transitioning into adulthood brings a rising responsibility to use our education to recognize global adversity and its intersectionality,” he said. “Education truly is an extraordinary gift and an extraordinary luxury we have all been afforded, so it’s on us to use this gift as we become adults in a world full of injustices.”
Akhtar ended with a message of “hope and promise” for himself and his fellow graduates. “Let us continue to imagine, to dream — let us utilize our immense curiosity and ability to envision and create a better world.”
After Akhtar’s remarks, Rawson recognized five retiring faculty members who he said represent a combined 162 years of service to the Academy. Michelle Dionne, instructor in the English Department (appointed in 1996); Mark Hiza, instructor in the Science Department (appointed in 1993); Becky Moore, instructor in the English Department (appointed in 1990); and Russell Weatherspoon, dean of students and instructor in the Religion Department (appointed in 1987), were sitting onstage during graduation. Dana Barbin, former athletic director and longtime varsity boys’ hockey coach who was appointed in 1987, also retired this year.
You will always be Exonians, and you will always belong here
Principal Rawson
Principal’s farewell
“You came to Exeter to learn and grow, have fun, make lifelong friends, pursue your passions, and lay the surest foundation for the rest of your lives — the surest foundation for leading purposeful lives,” Rawson said at the outset of his farewell address to the Class of 2024. “You have done all that, and you have done it well.”
Like Akhtar, Rawson spoke of the challenges many members of the class had faced together. “I am proud of all that you have accomplished, but even more proud of how you have contributed to the life of the school, and how you have supported each other,” the principal said.
Rawson also discussed the impact of world events on the school community, and the toll taken by daily news reports of “war, violence, disease, hunger, poverty and injustice.” “You have to decide how you want to respond to these and other challenges that you see in the world every day,” he told the graduates. “You have to decide how you want to make the world, the communities in which you live, and the places where you work, better than you found them — not just for some, but for all.”
Crucial to that effort, he emphasized, would be not surrounding themselves with people of similar opinions and outlooks, but seeking to continue learning “with and from others whose ideas, experiences and perspectives differ from your own.”
During their time at Exeter, Rawson said, the seniors heard many alumni speak from the Assembly Hall stage and elsewhere about their experiences applying the core values learned at Exeter in work and life. With graduation, they join that community of Exonians seeking to bring the values of goodness and knowledge to bear on some of the world’s greatest challenges.
“It is your turn now to begin writing your own non sibi stories,” Rawson said. In closing, he welcomed the Class of 2024 into the family of Exeter alumni, assuring them that “You will always be Exonians, and you will always belong here.”
Honors and special awards
Before Rawson’s remarks, Dean of Faculty Eimer Page P’22, Akhtar and retiring Trustee Wole Coaxum ’88; P’24 presented this year’s endowed college scholarships, followed by the commencement awards and prizes.
The Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence: Jack Gordon
The Cox Medals: Beeke Fock, Jack Gordon, Daria Ivanova, Emi Levine, Luca Shakoori
The Yale Cup: Byron Grevious
The Ruth and Paul Sadler ’23 Cup: Caroline Shu
The Perry Cup: Nhan Phan
The Williams Cup: Achyuta Rajaram
The Eskie Clark Award: Adora Perry
The Thomas H. Cornell Award: Gretchen (Gigi) Lannon
The Multicultural Leadership Prize: Solu Ajene, Ayaan Akhtar, Stacy Chen, Aliyana Koch-Manzur, Emelia (Emmie) Zarb
Ceremony program
A string quartet consisting of Jaehyun Park ’24, and Ethan Ding ’25 on the violin, Evan Fan ’26 on the viola and Luke Miller ’24 on the cello, played the prelude and processional at the beginning of the ceremony.
After the presentation of honors and special awards, Music Instructor Jerome Walker led a performance of “The Road Home,” composed by Stephen Paulus, by seniors in Exeter’s Concert Choir, including Vera Aimunmondion, Nupur Malhotra, Riya Tyagi, Rodrigo Camara Moreno, Colin Maloney, Ellie Wang, David Goodall, Silja Pope, William Weber, Anna Hanzíková, Christopher Serrao, Corinne Wingate, Ava Lori Hudgins, Aidan Ting and Chengyue Zhang.
Seniors Willa Bazos, Elizabeth Catizone, Nataly Delcid and Nihaal Rana assisted Rawson in handing out the diplomas, while Class Marshals Corinne Blaise, Reid Burke, Lucas Rodriguez and Diego Shetreet escorted their fellow members of the Class of 2024 to their seats before the ceremony.
Former trustee receives Founders’ Day Award in assembly
Peter Aldrich ’62 encourages students to embrace failure and focus on relationships.
First as a student, and later as a dedicated alumni volunteer and parent to two Exonians, Peter Aldrich ’62; P’99, P’03 has made his mark on the Academy over more than six decades. Yet perhaps nowhere was his impact more felt than on Exeter’s buildings and grounds, the responsible maintenance of which he championed during a decade of service on the Trustees, from 1987 to 1997.
“As a trustee, you applied your intellect, curiosity and boundless energy to the vital task of preserving Exeter’s buildings for future generations of students and faculty,” Betsy Fleming ’86, president of the General Alumni Association, said when presenting Aldrich with the 2024 Founders’ Day Award in front of an audience of students, faculty, alumni and Trustees in the Assembly Hall.
Established by the Trustees in 1976 — and renamed in 2019 to honor the role of both John and Elizabeth Phillips in the school’s formation — the Founders’ Day Award is given annually in recognition of longtime service to the Academy. Six former winners sat on the stage with Principal Bill Rawson ’71; P’08 and Exeter’s current Trustees to watch Aldrich accept the award: Kendra Stearns O’Donnell ’31, ’47, ’63,’91, ’97 (Hon.); P’00; Rick Mahoney ’61; ’74, ’95 (Hon.); P’88, P’92; David Bohn ’57; P’81, P’84, P’90; Jim Theisen ’40, ’45, ’52, ’66 (Hon.); P’97; Alan Jones ’72; and Rich Aaronian 76, ’78, ’97 (Hon.); P’94, P’97.
Fleming spoke of how Aldrich began his service to the school in the 1970s, serving on the Long Step Forward capital campaign, among other roles. To his role as trustee and chair of the Buildings and Ground Committee, he brought knowledge drawn from his own experiences founding and running businesses, especially the real estate investment advisory AEW Capital Management.
“You noted the amount of deferred maintenance on Exeter’s hundreds of buildings, including leaking roofs and crumbling foundations, and helped implement the comprehensive facilities assessment procedure the school uses today,” Fleming said.
With Aldrich’s guidance, she explained, the Trustees also embraced his motto of “no net new space,” meaning that for every new building that was built on campus an equivalent amount of square footage must be decommissioned. They also ratified a funding policy for capital projects dictating that funds raised for every new building must cover 130% of the cost, ensuring the maintenance of the building in the years to come.
In accepting the Founders’ Day Award, Aldrich spoke of his fortunate upbringing in a large, affluent family in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and his longstanding desire to prove himself worthy of the privilege he’d been afforded. “I knew I had to earn the many advantages I had,” he told the audience in Assembly Hall.
At Exeter, that feeling led him to establish the school’s Peace Corps Program in 1961, inspired by John F. Kennedy’s challenge to college students to live and work in developing countries. He served in the Peace Corps after graduating from Harvard, living abroad in the Philippines. At Harvard Business School, he embraced an entrepreneurial drive, and founded his first business shortly afterward. When that first business failed a few years in, he said, he embarked on a cross-country motorcycle trip with his wife, Widgie, who was in the audience along with a number of Aldrich’s friends and family members.
“It ultimately came to me that the most important thing in life for me was relationships,” Aldrich said. “I had a new perspective when I came back from that camping trip.”
Despite the eventual success of AEW Capital Management and other ventures, Aldrich emphasized the number of times he had failed over the course of his career. He used these experiences to offer some words of wisdom to the younger Exonians in the audience, particularly members of the Class of 2024.
“If you don’t have failures, if you’re just rocketing through life with everything going well, someday you’re going to meet a real crisis and it’ll be hard for you,” he said. “But if you have failed and think about it and try to learn from it, I think you’ll be just fine.”