Phillips Exeter Academy

Pamela L. Meadows

image of Pamela L. Meadows

Lamont Gallery Director and Curator


M.A. San Francisco Art Institute

B.A. Juniata College

“I’m so proud that Lamont Gallery is a teaching gallery. As an extension of the classroom, we aim to compliment and support the learning that happens in the classroom and around the Harkness table. I relish the moments when students visit Lamont Gallery and thoughtfully question and interpret individual artworks and the overarching topics expressed throughout an exhibition.

Regardless of whether a student feels they are an artist or a creative, I always remind them that the gallery is an entry point for discovery and deep questioning. So, when I see connections made and topics explored that applies art as a tool to permeate multiple disciplines they are engaged in, that’s the kind of sweet spot that I find to be so rewarding and transformative as an educator.”