Phillips Exeter Academy

German Bestsellers


German Bestsellers

This sequence of courses is offered fall (GER502), winter (GER503) and spring (GER504) and focuses on recognized masterpieces of German writing, with both classical and contemporary authors represented. Social, ethical and artistic issues are explored in each. The readings in GER502 will include contemporary and traditional bestsellers that shed light on German history, culture, thought and values. GER503 explores Germany and Austria’s coming to grips with the Nazi past and the horrors committed during that era. Readings include works by Grass, Schlink, and Bernhard. GER504 examines issues presently dominating the media, literature, theater and cinema in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Among the themes explored are immigration and integration, the fate of the European Union, the rise of the Green and far right parties, urbanization, the terrorist threat, etc. Each course includes advanced conversation and composition components.