9th-Grade English
9th-Grade English
In this sequence of courses, the English Department introduces 9th-graders to the reading practices, discussion principles and writing strategies they will use and on which they will build throughout their four years of English study at Exeter. Students read,...
10th-Grade English
10th-Grade English
In this sequence of courses, readings introduce broader and more complex personal and social issues. The writing assignments – ranging from personal narratives and personal essays to letters, editorials, poetry projects and responses to the readings...
11th-Grade English
11th-Grade English
In this sequence of courses, written assignments tend to shift from personal narratives and essays to various forms of analysis in which the exploration and articulation of ideas increasingly influence content and structure. Readings continue to grow in...
12th-Grade English
12th-Grade English
In the final course in the required English sequence, writing assignments continue to focus on various forms of essay writing, culminating in a sustained exploration of a topic or theme–the Senior Meditation or an equivalent capstone assignment....
Creative Writing: Short Fiction
Creative Writing: Short Fiction
This writing-intensive course invites students to explore fiction as both readers and writers. The short stories and novels read in class will serve as models for students to create their own fictional work, introducing them to the craft and mechanics of...
Creative Writing: Poetry
Creative Writing: Poetry
“Poetry,” wrote Robert Frost, “is a way of taking life by the throat.” From its origins in oral tradition and tribal lore, as well as its role in incantatory spiritual practice, poetry has carried in its rhythms the deep longings of...
Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
“The essay isn’t a retreat from the world but a way of encountering it,” writes Leslie Jamison in Best American Essays 2017. Throughout the term, we will explore the art of telling stories – ours and those of others – and learn...