Weatherspoons to receive Founders’ Day Award

Couple will be honored for more than 30 years of joint service to the Academy.
Exeter’s General Alumni Association has announced the selection of Russell and Jackie Weatherspoon as joint recipients of the 2025 Founders’ Day Award.
The Founders’ Day Award is given annually by the GAA in recognition of exceptional service to the Academy. Conceived by Principal Stephen G. Kurtz, the award was established by the Trustees in 1976.
Russell Weatherspoon ’01, ’03, ’08, ’11 (Hon.); P’92, P’95, P’97, P’01 began working at Exeter in 1987 as an instructor in Religion, English and Drama. Over nearly four decades, he served as dean of residential life, dean of multicultural affairs and director of Exeter Summer, in addition to his work in the classroom. He also coached girls JV basketball, and advised several student clubs, including the Young Brothers Society, Precision and Journalists for Human Rights. In 2021, he became Exeter’s dean of students, and remained in that office until his retirement three years later.
Since 1991, Jackie Weatherspoon P’92, P’95, P’97, P’01 has held positions in 11 departments across campus, including Admissions, Multicultural Affairs, Exeter Summer and the Academy Library. She was also a longtime adviser of the Democratic Club. Outside the Academy, she has served as a New Hampshire state representative, represented the United Nations and worked for the U.S. State Department and the federal Civil Rights Advisory Board.
The Weatherspoons are the parents of four Exonians, and shepherded and supported hundreds of others over their 12 years living in Cilley Hall and beyond.
Russell and Jackie Weatherspoon, who both retired last year, will receive the Founders’ Day Award and speak during assembly on May 16.