Phillips Exeter Academy

Dorm Life

Dorm Life

What's the best dorm at Exeter?
There are 26 right answers to that question, because every Exonian develops a deep sense of belonging with their dorm or house — a bond that can last a lifetime.

Dorm life by the numbers


Boarding students who reside on campus


Dorms and houses across our campus


Two of our houses are open to all genders


Faculty living alongside students in our dorms

You'll love where you live.

Take a tour of Wheelwright Hall with Angela '27 and Maya '27, and find out why IT is the best dorm on campus. 😉

Hear from faculty and students as they discuss how being connected with one dorm for your entire time at Exeter makes dorm living unique, inclusive and fun.

Dorm life at Exeter creates a home base for each student. They develop rich relationships with peers from multiple classes that span their entire time here. Regardless of their ages and diverse backgrounds, students are giving and receiving support, and learning and growing together.

Carol Cahalane, dean of residential life