Aaron Joy

Aaron Joy ’23 was one of just 161 high school seniors from across the country to be named 2023 U.S. Presidential Scholars. Created in 1964, the program honors the nation’s top-performing students for their academic success ,artistic excellence, technical expertise and commitment to service and leader-ship. Of the 3.7 million seniors expected to graduate this spring, more than 5,000 were considered for recognition this year.
At Exeter, Joy founded the Exeter Investment Society, served as co-captain of the debate team and participated in the Washington Internship Program. He names History 430 with Instructor Bill Jordan as one of his favorite classes. “Examining the latter half of the 20th century,” Joy says, “helped frame my view of the American political and cultural dynamics that we have grown accustomed to in the present.”
The U.S. Presidential Scholars were each offered the opportunity to name their most influential teacher, who would be honored with a personal letter from the Secretary of Education. Joy recognized English Instructor Genny Moriarty. “Ms. Moriarty helped me discover and enhance my voice as a writer,” Joy says. “I’m so grateful to Ms. Moriarty for such a meaningful term in English and for helping to create a foundation in which I view risk taking and experimentation as an integral part of expressing myself. After class, she served as a constant resource, always willing to provide me with advice about English and anything else.”
At graduation in June, Joy received a Cox Medal for academic performance as well as the Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence, which recognizes the member of the senior class holding the first rank.
This profile was first published in the summer 2023 issue of The Exeter Bulletin.