Phillips Exeter Academy

Contact the Library

Contact the Library

Laura C. Wood
image of Laura C. Wood

Director of Academy Library

Melinda Dolan
image of Melinda Dolan

Systems and E-Resources Librarian

Leor Frank
image of Leor Frank

Digital Project Coordinator

Drew Gatto
image of Drew Gatto

Reference/Music Librarian

Magee Lawhorn
image of Magee Lawhorn

Head of Archives & Special Collections

Kathryn Lennon-Walker
image of Kathryn Lennon-Walker

Reference, ILL & Instruction Librarian

Abby Payeur
image of Abby Payeur

Cataloging and Metadata Librarian

Beth Rohloff
image of Beth Rohloff

Associate Director of the Library

Christopher Roy
image of Christopher Roy

Acquisitions and Reference Librarian

Grace Smyth
image of Grace Smyth

Library Administrative Coordinator