Physical Education
PE Cycling
Physical Education
PE Cycling
This course is open to students who have not participated in the varsity cycling program. Though not a racing activity, it increases ability and stamina. Rides around Exeter vary from 8 to 15 miles, with occasional longer rides. Bike and helmets are provided...
PE Volleyball
Physical Education
PE Volleyball
This course is for beginning and intermediate players looking to improve their skills in volleyball. This section is open to students who have not participated in the varsity or junior varsity programs. Class will consist of drills and...
PE Golf
Physical Education
PE Golf
In the club golf program, approximately 13 students play four days a week at the Exeter Country Club. Students must provide their own...
Outdoor Challenge
Physical Education
Outdoor Challenge
Outdoor Challenge (ODC) is a group-oriented, teambuilding program for those who want to be active in the outdoors. Possible activities may include, but are not limited to, hiking, canoeing, cycling, high- and low-ropes challenges, obstacle activities, outdoor...
PE/Sport Activity Excused
Physical Education
PE/Sport Activity Excused
This is for students unable to participate in the physical education program due to a medical condition. Permission of the Academy’s health care staff is...
PE Soccer
Physical Education
PE Soccer
Club soccer offers a combination of instruction and intramural games with an emphasis on competitive play, and works toward skill development and team...
JV/Varsity Team Manager
Physical Education
JV/Varsity Team Manager
Managers are volunteers who, through communication with the team’s coach, will perform duties that may include care of equipment, filming, timing and scoring at games, and other duties as assigned by the coach.. This is a six-day-a-week commitment and...
PE Tennis
Physical Education
PE Tennis
Club tennis is designed for both beginning players and those who desire one-on-one competitive match play. Players are evaluated at the beginning of the term and sectioned into smaller groups based on ability and experience. This section is open?to students...
PE Badminton
Physical Education
PE Badminton
The course will teach the fundamental skills of badminton. During the term students will learn basic strokes, the rules of the game, history of the sport, scoring and etiquette. Students will participate in singles and doubles matches while also learning...
Principles of Fitness & Exercise Science
Physical Education
Principles of Fitness & Exercise Science
This course is designed for students of all physical abilities. The goal of this course is to provide studetns with lifelong fitness habits. Students will gain an understanding of the effects of exercise on health and well-being while being able to apply the...