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Shaocheng Ma

Shaocheng Ma

Instructor in Mathematics
Smiling man

Khalid Madhi

Instructor in History
 A person in a red shirt standing against a while wall.

Charla R. Malamed

Licensed Clinician
Charles Mamolo

Charles Mamolo

Instructor in Science

Nikki P. Manderlink

Associate Director of College Counseling
Courtney Marshall

Courtney D. Marshall

Instructor in English
New Faculty Coordinator
Laura E. Marshall

Laura E. Marshall

Instructor in Mathematics
Dean of Academic Affairs
Kaitlyn Martin Fox

Kaitlyn A. Martin Fox

Instructor in Religion
Rebecca Marx Asch

Jennifer R. Marx Asch

Instructor in Religion
Chris Matlack

Christopher R. Matlack

Instructor in Science
Michael Matsumaru

T. Michael Matsumaru

Instructor in History
Johanna Mautz

Johanna M. Mautz

Licensed Clinician

Kerry A. McBrearty

Instructor in Physical Education
Kent McConnell

Kent A. McConnell

Instructor in History
Katie McFradden

Katie E. McFadden

Associate Athletic Trainer
Julia McPhee

Julia M. McPhee

Senior Associate Director of Admissions
Andrew McTammany

Andrew G. McTammany

Instructor in Science
Pam Meadows

Pamela L. Meadows

Director and Curator
Michael R. Mele

Michael R. Mele

Instructor in Music
Leah M. Merrill

Leah M. Merrill

Instructor in History
Melissa Mielens

Melissa A. Mielens

Instructor in Music
Matthew W. Miller

Matthew W. Miller

Instructor in English
Don Mills

Don P. Mills

Instructor in Physical Education
Velleda Miragias with a cello in the woods.

Velleda C. Miragias

Instructor in Music
Melissa Mischke

Melissa D. Mischke

Instructor in Science
Timothy Mitropoulos

Timothy N. Mitropoulos

Instructor in Physical Education
Man in a suit

Jameel Moore

Associate Director of College Counseling
Brooks Sheridan Moriarty

Brooks S. Moriarty

Instructor in English

Genny B. Moriarty

Instructor in English

Maegan Moriarty

Admissions Officer

Summer A. Morrill

Instructor in Science
Sally W. Morris

Sally W. Morris

Chair of the Department of Classical Languages

John E. Mosley

Instructor in Mathematics
Hina Muneeruddin

Hina Muneeruddin

Instructor in Religion