Phillips Exeter Academy

Religion, Ethics & Philosophy

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Discover your best self in relation to others as you ask essential questions, investigate ethics and morality, study world religions and more.

Phillips Church

A spiritual hub of the Academy, welcoming and serving our community’s diverse religious traditions and beliefs.


Faith and Doubt

Invites you to explore, through fiction and personal narrative, the depth and complexity of religious experience in its many forms from traditional belief through skepticism.



Introduction to Psychology

Students in this course study a range of explanations for human thought, behavior and emotion.



Religion and Popular Culture

Images, ideas, stereotypes and symbol systems of religion surround us in popular culture, whether in movies, television shows, sports, fashion, the internet, music or literature.

Hannah L. Hofheinz
image of Hannah L. Hofheinz

Chair of the Department of Religion, Charles Lynn and Mary Chase Stone Instructor

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